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Language has always fascinated me.
I write to process, to explore, to express.
one catches
my eye
a colour
a pattern
a walk
and you appear
for a moment
ég vil geta flogið
en samt verið á jörðinni
ég vil skara framúr
og vera partur af hjörðinni
ég vil geta sungið
en þögnin ég elska hana
ég vil vera leiddur
en ég þarf engan frelsara
ég vil geta hlegið
en alvaran heillar mig
og á endanum veistu
að vísan fellur um sjálfa sig
red cheeks,
red lips,
red bliss
red kisses
and Reykjavík
the feeling
when you stop
to take a
deep breath
and realise
that your problems
aren't nearly
as important
as you think
they are
the feeling
of overwhelming
when you try
to do something
for the very
first time
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